

I am a runner (with an iPhone) and I need music when I run. I can't just run and listen to the birds, traffic or plain old silence. I like the little extra motivation you get from upbeat music. I have been using the Nike+ GPS application for awhile now (a total of 120 miles to be exact) and absolutely love it. I love the functionality and the design.

The Nike+ GPS app designed by R/GA works with an iPod touch or an iPhone and works indoors (though not as well) and outdoors. It tracks a user's pace, distance and traces the route using the GPS in the phone or iPod.

One of the most creative features of the app is the Facebook cheers function. Before the run it posts a message on Facebook that the user is starting a run and asks to cheer them on. As the user runs "cheers" posted by friends on the Facebook post are heard through the earphones.

After the run is complete the user can view the run and pace with Google maps. If you do a good job Tracy Morgan or Lance Armstrong will let you know. After a run the app updates instantly to the Nike+ website. The app itself will keep track of the user's history.

If you have an iPod or iPhone and like to run this app is definitely worth the price and its beautiful too. One of the best app designs I have seen (or used).

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